Tuesday 20 December 2011

Introduction: An Early New Year's Resolution

Recently, a friend of mine began writing a blog.  When I wanted to comment on a post she had written, I found that I needed to set up an account of my own before I could clog up her comment section with an assortment of words that, when read together, had a chance of making some degree of sense.  No worries, I told myself, just set one up, and there will be no need to ever bother with it's existence after that.  Predictably, within a couple of days, I had changed my mind, and now here we are.  Instead of ignoring this page's existence, it will instead be my outlet for the things in my head, however strange or pointless they may be.  Incidentally, you should also follow the aforementioned friend's blog; the writing is far better organised than this page will ever hope to be.  Or, if you need further motivation, there's also pictures of mermaids to be found there (okay, one mermaid picture - that's still one more than you will find here).

Anyway, so as to ensure to myself that I don't just abandon this endeavour after 3 weeks, I've decided to make it my New Year's Resolution to update this blog a minimum of twice per week (hopefully more often).  I never used to make New Year's Resolutions; much to my ex's displeasure.  She used to tell me that it was lazy of me to not make resolutions, seeing as my reason for doing so (or should that be not doing so?) was that, in my mind, if I didn't make a resolution, I couldn't fail at it.  Well, I've come to realize that she was right about that, and this past year, I did make a resolution... But I honestly cannot remember what it was... Oops!  Let's just assume that it was tattoo related, and that I succeeded.

Success!... I think.
Anyhow, this year, I and anyone who reads this will be able to hold myself to this year's resolution seeing as it's now in writing.  Or will be, once I hit "Publish".  But as you read this, that will be in the past, whereas it's in the future for me at this moment.  Hmmmmm, I will have to carefully consider what verb tenses to use...

Other than the twice-weekly update condition I've set for myself, I'm also going to instill a clause that I don't edit the content of my blog entries.  That is not to say that I won't proofread and edit the grammar, because I will.  Grammar is an aspect of writing I refuse to ignore.  What I mean instead, is that if I begin to ramble, as I am prone to do, I won't go back and remove sections of a post.  I feel that this way it will provide a more authentic window into what passes for my mind.  It will also be far more fun for me to read back on.  I do apologize in advance for any excessive rambling, but if you've ever talked to me, there's a good chance you know that this is exactly how I speak; in a string of semi-related thoughts.

Every so often, I will post a piece of writing of mine that I feel is good; or at least worth a read, and those posts will be edited for content.  It's probably because they've been edited that I find them to be good.  Those posts will be the exception to my non-editing clause.

The purpose of this blog is threefold: for me to document the completion of a New Year's Resolution, for me to get into the habit of writing more (and hopefully better), and to allow me to be a bit more honest - both with myself and with you, the reader.  Please leave comments if you feel compelled to; who knows, you too may decide to begin writing one of these because of that.

Okay, I lied about there being no mermaid pictures on my blog.
Welcome; I hope you enjoy reading a bit about my thoughts.  Or at the very least enjoy making fun of them.  Either one.


  1. It's awesome that you started a blog too! And thanks for the shout-out (or whatever less lame name you want to call it); I actually noticed your site because people have been finding mine through it. I guess whether they're actually *reading* it is another thing, but oh well.

    Anyway, I subscribed to your posts.

    P.S. Hot mermaid pic

  2. Oh, P.S.- You shouldn't have to sign up to blogspot to subscribe. You can do email subscription too; there's a little button on the side.

  3. You're assuming I'm competent enough with technology to figure that out. Spoiler: I'm not. And it works out better this way.
